Thursday 15 September 2011

Afraid to like

Some times on facebook, you know how you would like to freaking stare at this one particular picture where it's got a person you loveD before. 
And you want to just like the picture, but no one else has liked it yet. 

So is it wrong to like it first when people clearly know that I have feelings for both of them. I still do. I'm gonna admit I still have feelings for these people. You all know I have enough love for all the ants in the world. Well, not ants but you get what I mean right???

When I like someone, I always feel that I will never be able to get him or her (JUST JOKING, Im not a lesbian), because I know that there will be other girls who are prettier and smarter and well, you know LOOKS MATTERS. Don't bullshit me about saying it's counts in the inside. That is just crap. I mean well it also does counts in the inside. But Looks Matters tooo.

Yes, I do find myself cute sometimes (perasan). BUT COME ON, there are like so many many more other girls prettier than me. When I like a guy and I just don't know. Well, I guess I'm just thinking too much. And I don't know. I might just stop liking guys and start liking girls. Psssshhhh!!!! LIKE THAT WOULD EVER HAPPEN. I don't know, Im in a girls school. and and . . .

1 comment:

  1. How I wish looks don't matter too!!!But...they kinda do?Hope I'll not in the future!But then,i guess if that person is the person you really like,because of his (:D) character and personality or his smile,then you'll just love him the way he is.Have you ever had this feeling before? *Drools*
    I've had them when I watched how the K-idols behave,it's like,OMG he is soo cute!I mean the way he talks and acts.YEAH.
    Sorry I give a lot of (crappy) advice?Haha ok stay happy yo!You're gorgeous.

    Anyways,I love you girl!:D
