Friday 19 August 2011

The Choices I am about to Make.

The year is about to end and we all must choose what we want to learn next year. For me, next year would be my last year in High School.

I definitely don't strike people as the one who sits down and do all the thinking. However, my interest in subjects and futuristic jobs involves me doing these things that don't strike people how they think of me.

Yes, my english is not the you know very high level. I'm still not sure whether to take english next year. Yes, english is one of the most important  language like in the whole wide world.

I guess if I don't take English, I'll take chemistry. I find Chemistry really interesting.

I deactivated my facebook account.

I am going to study hard.

I am going to make my parents proud.

I am going to show everybody that I yes RACHEL CHOY SAOWQUAN can DO IT!!


  1. wooohhhhhh!!!so determined ahh!?I SUPPORT YOU!GOGOGO!:DDDD

  2. add oil ya!! i'll be always there for you! =D
