Friday 8 July 2011

Nothing Interesting

This week has gone by so fast. Like really fast, as fast as lighting. I mean seriously, it's already half a year.

1 more week of school and then holidays start. Too bad one of my friend is going back to China, gonna miss her. But no worries she'll come back when term 3 starts. 

Oh my, heard that the Bersih Rally is happening tomorrow. I sure hope everything is going to be alright. I'll definitely pray for everyone who is going for the rally. Definitely got to pray for Malaysia too. 

Well, having an english tutor tomorrow, from 10 to 12 pm. Then I got to rush to Takapuna for the international lunch. Next Tuesday, the school is having international students photo taken. :) Heee. Hope to look cute in it. :) 

Erghh. Next week is going to be so hectic for me. 
I'll be having an internal for Physics (which I still hate) a formative for chemistry (Titration) and an economics test on government policy. 

I kinda figure out what I wanna do when I grow up. Definitely in the business sector. Don't ask me why I chose that. I just did, period. 

I wanna watch transformer 3. 

I know I'm not putting enough pictures up for you to look at. It's just that when you put pictures up you have to wait and yada yada yada...

I want to say I miss schooling in SMK Kota Kemuning, but Ameer says that it not worth saying that. That is because he said that people in school rarely mention anything about me. I kinda know that if I left the school, the world would still be turning. Is not like the world would just stop turning because I'm not there. (Okay, technically I'm still on earth. But you get what I mean right??) I mean life goes on.
Lets just say that, I like attention A LOT.

I used to think that boys are everything. Television manipulated me into thinking that boys are everything. I guess I got a look in the other side of the world (being in a single sex school). Maybe I'll just focus on my studies now and just find the right guy when the time is right. <--- Don't know when that'll be.  

That's all for today. :) Byeee. LOVE YOU ALLL MAUHHH!!


  1. Wah this post is so English.HAHA.And what's the international lunch ?Btw I like this post.Teehee.Miss ya.And yeah,you're coming back soon!:DDDD

  2. It's a function for international students :)

  3. Oooh...Was it fun!?SOUNDS SO INTERNATIONAL.
